Saturday, August 7, 2010

Soapbox Commentary: "Avatar": The Vast Hype Bender

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything at all (mainly due to constant relocations and never having time to write), but, after the news I just received, I can remain silent no longer.

I was just informed on MovieWeb that James Cameron plans on shooting "Avatar 2" and "Avatar 3" back-to-back.

I need to repeat that.

"Avatar 2"...and "Avatar 3"...

I am now depressed.

How can this have happened my friends? I am deeply saddened that someone somewhere decided that Cameron needed to make not only one but TWO sequels to "Avatar"...and that people are actually "looking forward to them" (quoted by a commenter on the MovieWeb article who will remain nameless).

Look, I know it's no mystery that I hated the movie. I have made it a case to call the movie "Avatard" every time it is brought up in civilized conversation because it's an apt re-titling. No plot. No acting. No coherent storyline. Just awesome special effects. I would rather sit through all 6 "Star Wars" films back-to-back from 1 through 6 twice in a row before seeing this piece of shit again. I would rather sit through "The Last Airbender" AND "Step It Up 3D" in the same sitting that watch this big blue abomination once more.

What the hell is going on folks? How can this happen? I know this is sounding funny at this point, but it's the fucking truth. Future generations will look at these movies and wonder how the hell they made so much money. That "Avatar" and "Titanic" can monetarily trump the likes of "The Dark Knight" and "Inception". There's nothing to these movies other than special effects. We all have to see that, right?

It's not just that "Avatar" was a piece of shit. It's that it was a piece of shit that I consistently get into arguments about because people not only tell me it's good, but that it was the best movie that came out of 2009.


You heard me! People tell me that, in 2009, the year that saw movies like "Up in the Air", "9", "Coraline", "Inglorious Bastards", and "Sherlock Holmes", the best movie to come out of it was "Avatar".

Is this what has become of our discerning theater-goers? Has George Lucas and James Cameron done what I have predicted for decades? Have all the intelligent film aficionados been so blinded by state-of-the-art CGI and special effects that they can't tell when the script is hackneyed and the performances are phoned in?

I would say something like "if there was a just and loving God in the heavens, He/She would not allow this to happen", but I think it's best to leave God out of this. In fact, I think that's why it's been raining so much everywhere. God is crying, folks. See, God hates "Avatar" too. He hates it so much, he influenced the Academy to give the Oscar for Best Picture not only to something other than "Avatar", but to the film made by Cameron's ex-wife. You know that had to hurt Cameron a bit.

Let's all take an example from God and hurt James Cameron. Stop seeing "Avatar". Stop your friends from seeing "Avatar". Start calling it "Avatard". And START SEEING GOOD MOVIES!

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