Sunday, July 15, 2012

Soapbox Commentary: Year of the Woman 2012

This year, we've seen a huge spike in box office receipts that we haven't seen for quite some time.  2012's ticket sales continue to break records left and right, and it's only bound to go up from here.

Why you may ask?

Once again, studio executives and filmmakers realized that both men AND women are attending the movies in droves.  Not only that, but women are showing to be more consistent movie-goers than men (at least one of the records broken this year as during Super Bowl Sunday).  So, instead of keeping things at the status quo, we've been seeing a spike in films featuring strong-willed, independent -- often ass-kicking -- female protagonists who refuse to settle for the damsel in distress role.  These are not only strong characters, but these are role models for the younger generations.

This used to be a concept that wasn't lost on our filmmakers.  Hell, who can forget Ellen Ripley kicking ass and taking names in the "Alien" movies?   But sadly we've had a cinematic drought for kick-ass women, leaving us with punchlines rather than role models.

Okay.  So we've seen Alice from the "Resident Evil" movies and Selene from the "Underworld" movies, but I will make the argument that these are still poor examples because they kicked ass in skin-tight leather outfits and/or outfits that showed a lot of skin, making them more geek porn fodder than what I would even think of passing for a decent role model.  On TV, we used to have Buffy and Willow from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and Zoe Washburn and River Tam from "Firefly" (and the movie "Serenity") thanks to Joss Whedon, but, like all good shows,  they got cancelled.

If you want quality examples of good role models in recent years, the only heroines that come to mind are Pepper Potts from "Iron Man" and Tiana from "The Princess and the Frog".  Yes, she's a "Disney princess", but she's the only one who kept her dreams in full view and refused to settle for less.

However, it goes to stand that, for every Tiana, we get four "Twilight" movies, and, for those of you keeping score, Bella makes the worst role model in the history of cinematic history.  Yes, she's strong-willed, but she gives up everything she is to be with Edward for eternity.  She allows herself to be defined by a relationship, giving up all opportunities to better herself for a boy.  Indeed, this is what we've been allowing our daughters to live up to.  Words cannot express my shame.

This year, though, has given us strong, intelligent, independent heroines that we can be proud to have the next generation look up to.


How can I have a list like this without including the year's most kick-ass heroine?  Coming off her role as Mystique in "X-Men First Class", Jennifer Lawrence ditched the body paint and picked up a bow and arrow.  

Katniss Everdeen is the true definition of a role model.  She's strong-willed, thinks for herself, truly takes no shit from anybody.  Katniss is a survivor, a rebel, and a fighter.  More importantly though, she sticks to her ideals when the chips are stacked against her, and protects those she cares about to the final bloody end.  Yes, Katniss has Peeta, but Katniss spends more time saving Peeta than the other way around.  Not only that, but Katniss doesn't allow herself to be defined by their relationship.  Nay, Katniss is not on the hunt for the perfect mate (Bella, we're still glaring at you).  She is on the hunt to survive so she can come home to her family safe and sound.  In the end, Katniss refuses to be a puppet for the Capital and the Games.  

The sequel, "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" comes out next year.


While we were only left with a taste of her in "Iron Man 2", S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Natasha Romanoff starts off the year's highest grossing movie with a no-holds-barred action sequence where she quite literally takes out more than a dozen bad guys with her hands tied behind her back.  Thanks to Joss Whedon, we have yet again another heroine to celebrate.

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with big league heroes Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, and her boss Nick Fury, Agent Romanoff holds her own with little to no help, becoming a force to be reckoned with as the lone female Avenger in Whedon's stunning adaptation.

In all fairness, Romanoff wears a tight leather outfit of her own pretty much through the bulk of the movie, but, unlike Alice from "Resident Evil" and Selene from "Underworld", there are no shots of her moving in any provocative manner while she's dispatching evil doers, making her less of a sex symbol and more of a kick-ass heroine.  Is Romanoff a role model?  Hell yes she is!  As "The Avengers" showed, saving the world is very much a male-dominated game, and Romanoff holds her own with the rest of them.


"Snow White And The Huntsman" turned a lot of heads last month by defying expectations and over-performing even what its studio had estimated.  Why?  

Kristen Stewart drops the Bella act (even if it's just for a little while), picks up a sword, and goes to town in this thrilling re-imagining of the classic tale as the titular character.  Fighting off hordes of demons and ultimately leading the rebellion against the Evil Queen's army, Snow White puts her "happily ever after" on hold while she makes sure there is peace in the land. 

Not even allowing herself to be distracted by the hulky Huntsman or her long-lost male friend (who definitely is easy on the eyes himself), Snow White lets nothing stand in her way of her ultimate quest.  

So, for those of you keeping score at home, Kristen Stewart plays a character who is faced with a love triangle...and doesn't care.  Too bad the sequel to this one isn't looking too hot and the last "Twilight" movie comes out in the fall.  I was starting to get used to this.

MERIDA (voiced by Kelly MacDonald), "BRAVE"

Disney stikes again with a great heroine for the ages.  Much like Katniss, Merida prefers to sharpen her skills as a marksman (markswoman?) than pick a mate.  Willing to disregard everything her parents have done to ensure she will be able to take over the kingdom, Merida fights for her right to have a say in her fate.

When the chips are down, Merida does not take it lightly.  She jumps into action and solves the problem rather than stewing in it and allowing her world to end.  Instead of bowing down and allowing others to decide which hand she should choose, Merida chooses a hand of her own.



Though "The Dark Knight Rises" doesn't come out for another week, this list would be incomplete without Catwoman on it!

Throwing out everything that 2004's "Catwoman" did with the costume (I still maintain ladies of the night wouldn't be caught dead in that hellish get-up), Christopher Nolan chose a very modest, unique take on the Catwoman suit, and Anne Hathaway, judging by the previews, plays Selina Kyle as a crafty, plotting villain rather than simply walking sex.

Considering how Nolan has brought all the other characters from the "Batman" mythos to a unique light, it'll be fun to see what will happen with Catwoman.  But I think it's safe to say Anne Hathaway's portrayal will be reverent and amazing, and it will be another performance worthy to earn a place on this list.

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